A few more images of the moon rising to the left of Eastern Point Lighthouse.
Click on an image to enlarge it.

Simply More Moon
The last evening of winter had many people gazing at the moonrise.
The weather was very comfortable on the Magnolia side of Gloucester
looking back towards eastern Point Lighthouse.

Right on schedule at 7:15, the moon peeks over the horizon.
Click on the images to see them enlarged.
Just a minute or so later, the moon is rising quickly in the sky.
Simply Moonrise
Most would never any know that the memorial exists as they zip by up above on the roadway. A small set of steps leads down the hill towards the Annisquam River and there, nestled amongst the trees is this memorial.
The season on this side of Gloucester is still very quiet.
The solitude down by the river must be playing tricks.
Something is just not right here.
It's difficult to put my finger on it. Can you?
How about in this picture. What could be askew?
I suppose, it all depends upon the way you look at it.
Sometimes, it helps to step back and
look at things from a different point of view.
Even now, it's difficult to see which one is correct.
Scroll up and compare them.
Simply Askew in Annisquam
This has been one long winter. We may still be "blessed" with a snow storm or two, although for many, Spring Fever is in the air. As the rain falls today, feast your eyes on what's in store just around the corner.
"In the Spring, I have counted 136 different
kinds of weather inside of 24 hours."
---Mark Twain
"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush."
--- Doug Larson
"It's spring fever. That's what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want,
but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!"
--- Mark Twain
Simply Spring Fever
We had a small taste of spring-like weather a couple of weeks back.
Although we may still have one or more snow storms in store,
these pictures might help you weather the storms.
These gulls are holding down the Greasy Pole to keep it from floating away.
A man and his son hunt for sea glass.
There's Ten Pound Light!
Simply Almost Spring