You were born on September 27, 1998 to Golden Shadow and Nosey Brown
and made the trip from Groveland to Gloucester a few weeks later.
The first night was a very long night for you (and us) being away from
your little brothers and sisters. You finally did sleep nestled on top
of a pair of shoes that were worn when we picked you up that day.
Your official name was "Anchors Away" but we always called you
"Anchor" or "Ankie", or sometimes "Anchor the Wonder Dog".
You sat by the edge of the road at the bus stop each morning with
Benjamin, Spencer and Meredith always waiting for the day that
Nancy the School Bus Driver would invite you to join them.
You always knew before anyone else at the end of the school day
when the bus would be back to drop them off.
Or perhaps, you knew it was time for the Milk Bone that you
always got for an after school treat.
Most times, you put up with our silly human ways.
You loved the walks we took and would travel twice as far as we
did, always running ahead until just about out of sight before
running back to us to show us the way.
You were supposed to be a "water dog" although
you seemed to prefer boating to swimming.
Good Harbor was one of your favorite places to visit.
You would run, chase and retrieve thrown balls,
dip in and out of the water, as well as meet a few
other dog friends along the way. Those were some of
your happiest days. Even when you no longer found
chasing a ball to be enjoyable, you still loved the beach.
I wish someone had given Jesus a dog.
As loyal and loving as mine.
To sleep by His manger and gaze in His eyes
And adore Him for being divine.
As our Lord grew to manhood His faithful dog,
Would have followed Him all through the day.
While He preached to the crowds and made the sick well
And knelt in the garden to pray.
It is sad to remember that Christ went away.
To face death alone and apart.
With no tender dog following close behind,
To comfort its Master's Heart.
And when Jesus rose on that Easter morn,
How happy He would have been,
As His dog kissed His hand and barked it's delight,
For The One who died for all men.
Well, the Lord has a dog now, I just sent Him mine,
The old pal so dear to me.
And I smile through my tears on this first day alone,
Knowing they're in eternity.
Day after day, the whole day through,
Wherever my road inclined,
Four feet said, "Wait, I'm coming with you!"
And trotted along behind.
--Author Unknown
Rest In Peace, Anchor.
October 28, 2010
We will miss you always.
Goodbye, for now.
Simply Anchor
The F/V Midnight Sun heading out past the Paint Factory in Gloucester Harbor.
Simply Midnight
The F/V Midnight Sun and F/V Voyager
appear to stare down (steer down?)
a small center console in Gloucester Harbor.
You go first!
Simply Size Matters
A very quiet morning in Gloucester.
Simply Quiet
Dockside scene in Gloucester.
Out for the day?
Or out for the season?
Simply Playing Hookie?
The leaves are not the only thing which shows the changing
colors of the season. The parade of boats out of the water
will soon be adorning our shores with their brightly colored hulls.
Simply Fall Colors
Waiting for the next tide.
And someone to fill them.
Simply On The Hard
City Hall peaks through an alley on a clear October morning.
Simply Through The Alley
Discarded chain links down by the waterfront.
Check out the size of the links compared to the shovel!
Simply A Link In A Chain
One of the last summer roses left in the garden.
The cold evenings have set in and the bush will go dormant soon.
My Love Is Like A Rose
Written by Katy Schepis
Heavenly Father created the rose for us.
It represents beauty.
Its petals represents the gentle feelings we have for each other.
Its leaves represents the outstretched arms, loving and giving.
Its roots grow long and deep, gaining strength in every length and depth.
I give this rose to you, for you are special to me.
Each time you look at a rose, remember you are special to me.
Whenever you catch its fragrance floating in a gentle breeze,
remember you are special to me.
If you should hold the rose in your hands and feel the strength in the stem,
remember you are feeling the strength of my heart.
If you should dig in the sweet earth our Father in Heaven gave us,
remember you are seeing the depth of my heart.
As you embark on your journey that will take you far from me,
remember you are taking half of my heart with you.
Hold a rose gentle to your heart, remember you are holding me.
Every night as you gaze up in joyous prayer, remember as you think of me.
One star under the same velvet sky is ours, remember it's the same for me.
Until the time you return my heart, remember I am waiting for thee.
Keep the rose and my heart, remember bring them back to me.
For My Friend.
Simply A Rose
Obviously, very colorful.
Click on the images to enlarge them.
But what is it?
Simply Odd