There was enough of a wind to make sailing possible, coupled with very flat seas. The added benefit is with very few other boats out, the sailboats were able to sail undisturbed by powerboat wakes.

Simply A Day For A Sail
A view of Eastern Point Light from the water on a fine April afternoon. The picture is a little bit grainy.
It's one of those things which makes you feel just a little bit more at ease at the end of a day on the water, passing the RR Buoy off Eastern Point.
But why "RR" some may ask. When I first started boating, I was told that it was to help you remember the "Red Right Returning" rule. I often questioned that since shouldn't it be "RRR" instead? And besides, this one has red and green stripes.
Most of the locals will probably know that the "RR" is for "Round Rock". This little explanation is from the 1913 Report of the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army Annual Report.
The project adopted by the act of August 18,1894, provided for the construction of a breakwater from Eastern Point, over Dog Bar, to Round Rock Shoal at an estimated cost of $752,000 (H. Ex. Doc. No. 56, 48th Cong., 2d sess., no map; Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, 1885, p. 534); and the act of June 13, 1902, authorized the termination of the breakwater at Cat Ledge and the application of any remaining balance " toward the work of removing Round Rock," at a reduced estimate of $416,083.43. Under that authority the breakwater was completed in 1905 as far as Cat Ledge. Upon a subsequent examination of Round Rock Shoal it was found that the cost of removing it to the level of the surrounding bottom, exceeding $800,000, was disproportionate to the probable benefits to navigation. The project has been reviewed by the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, which recommends return to the original project of 1894 for a breakwater from Eastern Point to Round Rock Shoal, and its views are concurred in. The total cost of this extension is estimated at $354,000.
A view of Eastern Point from the other side.
Simply Eastern Point
What a sweet gift we received this last weekend of April. The weather was perfect and our boat got in the water just in time. We took her out for a quick trip across the harbor and down towards Beverly and back.
The city sure is pretty from the water!
Even the Dun Fudgin Ramp was busy today. Luckily, not something we need to worry about.
Simply In The Water .... In April!
It always seems to take forever to start but this weekend, spring has sprung on Cape Ann! The Friday of school vacation week brought many to Good Harbor Beach to practice up for the summer months.
The artists were present and accounted for as well.
Let's take a closer look. What could they all be painting?
Oh! I see!
Simply Spring Has Sprung!
Views of Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester during an Easter Sunday Sunrise service.
Earth and heaven in chorus say, Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia!
Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia!
Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia!
For all the verses to this hymn by Charles Wesley, visit this site.
Simply Alleluia!
I took a walk today at my marina. It is April and the calendar does say "SPRING". Yet something just seems to be missing.
It could be the sun which has been hiding most of this week. Yet, I think it's something else which is missing.
I just can't put my finger on it.
Ahhh! That's what's missing.
Someone is going to be very busy!
Simply Missing! Come on Spring!