A late summer boat ride down the Annisquam is a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon. It can also make one a little melancholy as you realize how quickly the boating season is coming to an end.
You can find some people just out sitting in their boats, possibly thinking about all the great sails they had this year.

Some boaters are rafting up, just one more time.

Some people are enjoying possibly the last swim of the year.

Look at all the empty docks. The shrink-wrappers must be busy.

Sure is pretty out here. The leaves will be turning colors soon.

Daydreaming off the bow. One last look.

It's okay! We're having a great time!

And the dog is happy too!

Just a few pictures of Annisquam Light.

We call this the "Would Be Nice" house. Every time we pass it, someone on the boat will say "It would be nice to live there".

One more rooster tail.

A picture for Joey at Good Morning Gloucester. It's a Homie Convention!

Simply one more boat ride. (Well, maybe one more.....)