More images of Gloucester's Winter Clothes.
The walk started with Simply Gloucester Winter Colors.
Looking down Middle Street towards City Hall.
A stately old tree found between two homes on Middle Street.
A look up Church Street.
The Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church.
Simply Gloucester Winter Colors (continued)
The many colors of winter in Gloucester are missed by many as people zip along (okay, crawl along) in cars on the old city streets.
Walking the city gives you a whole different perspective.
These first two pictures are looking up Hancock Street.
The steeple of Saint Ann Church of the
Holy Family Parish is visible in the distance.
This picture was taken from Main Street just to the left of La Trattoria. The steeple of the Gloucester Unitarian Universalist Church is in the background. This is the oldest church building in Gloucester and was the first Universalist church in America.
The walk continues here.
Simply Gloucester Winter Colors
The Midnight Sun slows and approaches her berth in
Gloucester Harbor early this morning.
The gulls arrive, waiting for a snack.
Almost there.....
Simply the Midnight Sun
The snow storm has passed and the winds have died down.
Gloucester does what it does best.
Back to the sea.
My Girls II heads out.
Steaming past the Paint Factory.
Another fishing vessel also heads out.
Simply Fishing!
Winter came with full force over night. The snow started here in West Gloucester around 3 PM Sunday afternoon with very strong and building winds. On Monday morning, the snow and wind continue.

Look! There's still a little color on that tree. (Brown is a color, right?)
Simply Winter
Found this House Sparrow sitting in one of the lobster traps behind the "soon-to-open" Cape Ann Brewing pub (I know one of the cooks!) this morning. Given the snow coming in tonight, he should have taken a trap a little lower in the stack!
House Sparrows are a non-native species also known as English Sparrows. Some of them were brought over from England in the early 1850's. Bluebirds, purple martins, swallows and other passive hole-nesters are driven from their homes by these aggressive non-native birds.
Simply Sparrow
The moon sets over West Gloucester on the morning of Christmas Eve.
On Christmas Eve
Written by William Wilfred Campbell
In byre and barn the mows are brim with sheaves,
Where stealeth in with phosphorescent tread
The glimmering moon, and, ’neath his wattled eaves,
The kennelled hound unto the darkness grieves
His chilly straw, and from his gloom-lit shed,
The wakeful cock proclaims the midnight dread.
With mullioned windows, ’mid its skeleton trees,
Beneath the moon the ancient manor stands,
Old gables rattle in the midnight breeze,
Old elms make answer to the moaning seas
Beyond the moorlands, on the wintry sands,
While drives the gust along the leafless lands.
Simply Lunar
As the first winter storm rolls through and people are still trying to make it home safely, maybe these pictures will put a small smile on your face.
The winter solstice is nearly here and each day gets a little brighter.
Click on an image to enlarge it.

Simply Imagine (spring is coming!)
The traps are all stacked for the winter ...
... and Lanes Cove is very quiet.
"Silence is praise to you, O God".
When words and thoughts come to an end,
God is praised in silent wonder and admiration.
Simply Quiet
The sun is beginning to set as a fishing vessel
approaches the Dog Bar Breakwater in Gloucester Harbor.
Eastern Point Lighthouse is visible on the left.
(Click on any image to enlarge.)

You can find more information about the
Dog Bar Lighthouse at LightHouseFriends.
Simply End Of Day
I don't think this is what they mean by "drydock".
The tide went out...... way out from Gloucester this day.

Simply Drydock
Layers upon layers of sky and clouds, sea and earth.

In That Sunset
Written by Loralea Anderson
..... and in that sunset
I beheld
but a reflection
of the
that is You!
Before the day
was laid to rest
You gloved the brilliance
of a hundred suns
And colors I had never seen,
Nor memory could contain:
Blending and
Melding and
Stirring up the Sky and Sea;
Showing me Infinity:
Feeling me humility.

Simply Layered
While sitting quietly in Stage Fort Park a faint noise
in the brush alerted me that I was no longer alone.
What could he be doing?
A little daub here, a little daub there ...
Simply Daubing
A lone tree climbs to the sky.
A stairway provides an aid along the way.
Simply Climbing
A woman alone stares out onto Gloucester Harbor with her trusty dog beside.
Peering deep into the sky or honoring a lost loved one?
Simply A Woman Alone
Thanksgiving Day at Stage Fort Park in Gloucester.
One Lonely Afternoon
Written by Russell Edson
Since the fern can't go to the sink for a drink of
water, I graciously submit myself to the task, bringing two
glasses from the sink.
And so we sit, the fern and I, sipping water together.
Of course I'm more complex than a fern, full of deep
thoughts as I am. But I lay this aside for the easy company
of an afternoon friendship.
I don't mind sipping water with a fern, even though,
had I my druthers, I'd be speeding through the sky for
Stockholm, sipping a bloody mary with a wedge of lime.
And so we sit one lonely afternoon sipping water
together. The fern looking out of its fronds, and I, looking
out of mine . . .
Simply Lonely
The story continues from Simply Opus 137 (part one).
Here is the "workshop" finished piece. Certainly is a work of art.
The organ will later be disassembled for transport to The Parish
of Christ Church in Andover and where it will be reassembled and tuned.
One of the first few organists to play Opus 137.
Some of the magnificent woodwork.
Doves and cross.
An extra set of hands is often needed when playing organ!
Could be a future stop puller.
Simply Opus 137 (part two)