Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Simply Walking

Sunday evening was obviously more of a "walking" time at Good Harbor beach than a "swimming" time.

Going home!

You can be sure that the little girl is still enjoying the beach!

A family walking.

Simply Walking


1 comment:

Peter Todd said...

Season's of the Heart

Seasons come and Seasons fade
Just as old memories drift away
Sunset brings down God's evening shades
With all our dreams of youth astray
What will the next sunset bring to you?
Is a question that dwindles in your mind
Let us hope last nights dreams come true
With all life's great treasures to find
God will take away your fears
All one has to do is have faith
He will wipe away the evening tears
Turn to him before its too late
Beyond the stars is where all dreams end
It is Gods promised home to us all
Did not Jesus shed his blood for our sins?
So that we too could answer the Master's call'